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    Click here to file for unemployment benefits

    Up to date information: DFWJobs.com

    McKinney has a workforce center in the city. Unfortunately, the office is closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. You can still contact unemployment specialists by phone or email. **Effective April 6, TWC asks that Texans use their area code to find their proposed call and access times listed below. See attached chart.
    Recommended Call and Access Times
    Area Code of Applicant                                  Suggested Call Time
    Area Codes Beginning with 9                       M-W-F 8 am to 12
    Area Codes beginning with 3,4,5, 6           M-W-F 1 to 5 pm
    Area Codes beginning with 7, 8                  T-T-Sat 8 am to 12
    Area Codes beginning with 2                       T-T-Sat 1 to 5 pm
    Texans will not be penalized for a delay due to call or user volume. Claims for individuals affected by COVID-19 are eligible to be backdated. Staggering claims will provide help to reduce frustrations for many Texans and provide better access to needed services.

    TWC Resource page for employers

    Q: I may need to reduce my workforce for the time being.  What are my options?
    A: Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas offers Rapid Response services to assist employers and job seekers through this process.  Please send an email to employers@dfwjobs.com for information and to be connected to our Rapid Response Coordinator.

    Additionally, The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) encourages employers to enroll in Shared Work program as an alternative to layoffs. The voluntary Shared Work program was developed to help Texas employers and employees withstand a slowdown in business such as the impact of COVID-19. 

    For more information on the Shared Work Program or to apply for the program visit https://twc.texas.gov/businesses/shared-work.

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